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The company produce professional clamps and Construction Formwork Accessories in China.
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Name:Single Bolt Heavy Duty Clamps
Add Time:2020/7/25 12:25:57



W1 SPEC. 8.8 W4-304 SPEC.   W5-316 SPEC.  
0.8*20 23-25 M6×45 0.8*20 23-25 M6×45 0.8×20 23-25 M6×45
  26-28 M6×45   26-28 M6×45   26-28 M6×45
  29-31 M6×45   29-31 M6×45   29-31 M6×45
  32-35 M6×45   32-35 M6×45   32-35 M6×45
  36-39 M6×50   36-39 M6×50 1.2×22 36-39 M8×50
  40-43 M6×50   40-43 M6×50   40-43 M8×50
  44-47 M6×60   44-47 M6×60   44-47 M8×60
  48-51 M6×60   48-51 M6×60   48-51 M8×60
  52-55 M6×60 1.2×22 32-35 M8×45   52-55 M8×60
  56-59 M6×60   36-39 M8×50   56-59 M8×60
  60-63 M6×60   40-43 M8×50   60-63 M8×60
  64-67 M6×70   44-47 M8×60   64-67 M8×60
  68-73 M6×70   48-51 M8×60   68-73 M8×70
  74-79 M6×70   52-55 M8×60   74-79 M8×70
1.2*22 32-35 M8×45   56-59 M8×60   80-85 M8×70
  36-39 M8×50   60-63 M8×60   86-91 M8×70
  40-43 M8×50   64-67 M8×60   92-97 M8×70
  44-47 M8×60   68-73 M8×70   98-103 M8×70
  48-51 M8×60   74-79 M8×70   104-112 M8×70
  52-55 M8×60   80-85 M8×70   113-121 M8×70
  56-59 M8×60   86-91 M8×70 1.7×30 162-174 M10×90
  60-63 M8×60   92-97 M8×70   175-187 M10×90
  64-67 M8×60   98-103 M8×70   188-200 M10×90
  68-73 M8×70   104-112 M8×70   201-213 M10×100
  74-79 M8×70   113-121 M8×70   214-226 M10×100
  80-85 M8×70   122-130 M8×80   227-239 M10×100
  86-91 M8×70   131-139 M8×80   240-252 M10×100
  92-97 M8×70   140-148 M8×80
  98-103 M8×70   149-161 M8×80
  104-112 M8×70   162-174 M8×80
  113-121 M8×70   175-187 M8×80
  122-130 M8×90   188-200 M8×80
  131-139 M8×90
  140-148 M8×90
  149-161 M8×90
  162-174 M8×90

Various Material is available
Please contact Favor Union Limited(Click the above "Contact us") for more information

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